Detinatoarea licentei audiovizuale este societatea DOGAN MEDIA INTERNATIONAL S.A., ai carei actionari sunt: DOGAN TV HOLDING AS – 99,99998% si RUKIYE SEVDA BODUROGLU – 0,00002% din capitalul social.
Sediul Kanal D este situat in B-dul Marasti nr. 65-67, Pavilion T, Poarta D, sectorul 1, Cod Postal: 011465, Bucuresti, Romania fiind reprezentata legal de catre Dl. Haluk Ziya Kurcer- Administrator Executiv si Dl.
Autoritatea de reglementare in domeniul programelor audiovizuale este asigurata de catre CONSILIUL NATIONAL AL AUDIOVIZUALULUI — CNA Adresa: Bd. Libertatii nr.14, sector 5, cod 050706, Bucuresti, ROMÂNIA Tel: +40 (0)21 305 5350 Fax: +40 (0)21 305 5354/56,
The audiovisual license holder is DOGAN MEDIA INTERNATIONAL SA, whose shareholders are: DOGAN TV HOLDING AS – 99,99998% si RUKIYE SEVDA BODUROGLU – 0,00002%.
Kanal D Romania headquarters is located in B-dul Marasti nr. 65-67, Pavilion T, Gate D, Sector 1, Zip Code: 011465, Bucharest, Romania being legally represented by Mr. Haluk Ziya Kurcer- Executive Director and Mr. Ugur Yesil- General Manager, responsibility for the editorial content being provided by the legal representatives.
The regulatory authority in the field of audiovisual programs is provided by the National Audiovisual Council- CNA Bd. Liberty No.14, Sector 5, code 050706, Bucharest, ROMANIA Tel: +40 (0) 21 305 5350 Fax: +40 (0) 21 305 5354/56,
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