Mesaje și urări de Crăciun 2023 în limba engleză

Autor: Bianca Vidoi
Actualizat: 15 dec 2023, 13:54

Cele mai frumoase mesaje pentru Crăciun în limba engleză pentru persoanele dragi

Sursa: Unsplash

Crăciunul este celebrat în 10 zile, iar românii încep deja să caute cele mai frumoase mesaje pentru persoanele dragi, iar aici aveți o listă care să vă ajute.

Sărbătoarea Nașterii Mântuitorului Iisus Hristos sau a Crăciunului, așa cum este cunoscută, este așteptată de oamenii de toate vârstele chiar de la începutul anului, iar pregătirile pentru acest moment special încep încă din luna octombrie pentru unele persoane. Crăciunul este un moment în care ne amintim că bunătatea este ceea ce contează în viață, iar aceste gânduri dorim să le împărtășim împreună cu cele mai dragi persoane din jurul nostru, indiferent dacă acestea se află în România sau în străinătate. 

Pentru prietenii pe care îi aveți în străinătate am decis să facem o listă specială cu mesaje de Crăciun pentru luna decembrie a anului 2023, care să conțină gândurile voastre bune în limba engleză.

Cele mai frumoase mesaje de Crăciun 2023 în limba engleză

May the joy and peace of Christmas be with you all through the Year. Wishing you a season of blessings from heaven above.

Happy Christmas!

New is the year, new are the hopes and the aspirations, new is the resolution, new are the spirits and forever my warm wishes are for u. Have a promising and fulfilling new year.

Lets welcome the year which is fresh and new,Lets cherish each moment it beholds, Lets celebrate this blissful New year. Merry X-mas!

Christmas is the time of giving and sharing.

It is the time of loving and forgiving.. And to feel the Joy and Happiness of being Loved and to be Loved.. May this Christmas be a Joyous one as You Ever Had!! I love you and I always will….

Merry Christmas and may God’s grace be with you. Make merry not just on this wonderful holiday but all through the year!

May the good times and treasures of the present become the golden memories of tomorrow.Wish

u lots of love, joy and happiness. MARRY CHRISTMAS!

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I hope you have a wonderful christmas have a great new year! Hopefully santa will be extra good to you. Enjoy your holidays!

I hope your holiday is blessed with delicious food, good wine, and good companions.

Cheers to terrific friends who never forget to bring wine to the holiday gathering!

Reflecting on all the laughter and love we shared this year. Here’s to more great and beautiful moments in the years to come.

Thinking of all the special memories we’ve created, and looking forward to making more this Christmas.

Thank you for your friendship and support throughout the year.

Reflecting on cherished memories and looking forward to creating new ones with you. Merry Christmas!

You are the gift that makes every Christmas special. Sending you all my love and warmest wishes.

Sending you warm wishes and heartfelt thanks for your friendship this Christmas.

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Sending you warm Christmas wishes and heartfelt thanks for your kindness and friendship.

Urări perfecte pentru sezonul rece al anului 2023

Wishing you a Christmas filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments with your loved ones. Merry Christmas, dear [Family Member’s Name]! Have a jolly merry Christmas.

During this Christmas season, I’m missing you and thinking of you.

Merry Christmas, and I can’t wait to spend more time with you [insert favorite activity] next year!

Although we would have liked to send you some of my delicious pie, this card will have to do. Happy Holidays from all of us.

I’m thankful to have family members who are more like friends during Christmas and throughout the year. Cheers!

Christmas is a time for family (and delicious food!) I hope this season is the best for you both.

We are eager to celebrate this Christmas season together, as well as all others.

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They say you can’t pick your family, but if I could, I’d pick you!

May the true spirit of Christmas fill your heart with peace, love, and hope. Wishing you a blessed and joyous Christmas season!

May the true meaning of Christmas fill your heart with peace and joy.

May the love and grace of God shine upon you this holy season.

Wishing you a blessed Christmas as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

May the true meaning of Christmas fill your heart and home with blessings.

Celebrating the birth of our Savior and wishing you a blessed Christmas season.

May the light of Christ shine upon you and guide your path this Christmas and always.

This Christmas, may God bless you and your family.