A vrut sa isi acopere firele albe de par cu vopsea cu henna, dar ce a urmat a traumatizat-o viata. Uite ce efect neasteptat a avut substanta asupra ei

Editor: Silviu Bunea Autor: S.B.
Actualizat: 28 feb 2017, 05:46

Fata tinerei a fost atat de tumefiata incat nu a mai putut sa vada timp de doua zile.

Chemese Armstrong este un blogger celebru pentru perfoarmanta de a slabi de doua ori greutatea ei corporala actuala. In varsta de 35 de ani, ea era nemultumita de firele albe de par care erau din ce in ce mai multe, asa ca a hotarat sa mearga la un salon de coafura, pentru a se vopsi.

Ea a ales o vopsea pe baya de Henna, o substanta extrasa din plante, la recomandarea doctorului dermatolog.

Stia ca e alergica la parafenilendiamina, o substanta gasita in vopselurile obisnuite de par, asa ca evita sa le foloseasca.

Spre ghinionul ei, coafeza care o vopsea nu a tinut cont de avertismentul clientei si a folosit o vopsea care nu era 100% naturala. Dupa testul obisnuit, de 30 de minute, nu a aparut nicio reactie alergica dar, dupa ce i-a spalat vopseaua din cap, au aparut simptomele.

"Aveam dureri puternice, ma ardea scalpul si simteam mancarimi pe fata. Eram umflata atat de rau incat nimeni nu ma recunostea. Ochii erau umflati si nu ii puteam deschide. Nu am vazut nimic timp de 2 zile. Doctorul mi-a spus ca ii este etama sa nu am si probleme respiratorii", a marturisit ea.

Iata cum arata Chemese din cauza alergiei:

If you been following me for a while you know that I tried to be as transparent as possible. You will also know that my 100 days of just juice and smoothies has been very important to me. Today is day 100!!! The past couple of days has been extremely rough. I mention before that I die my hair with Henna because of my research and what I was told that it was supposed to be completely natural and chemical free but it wasn't and I had a severe allergic reaction as you can see from the pictures. I'm not posting this for any advice or any negative comments. I'm fully aware of what these pictures look like. I had to endure this nightmare. If you do not have anything nice to say please keep strolling. I want to let everyone that pray for me or send me well-wishes know what was going on. I was in severe pain from my scalp burning and itching with my face completely's swollen to the point I was unrecognisable. The most scary part about this whole thing is that my eyes was completely swollen shut where I couldn't see for 2 days. My doctor was afraid that it was going to start affecting my breathing which that didn't happen and as of today my eyes are open and I can see again but my face is still very swollen (I don't look like myself). I'm not in any more pain and I feel things are heading in the right direction. I hate that this had to happen but now I'm even more focus on making sure that my health is number one priority. Once I get back to looking like myself again I will make a more detailed video on my YouTube channel. Thanks again for all the love, support, and well wishes.

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photo posted by Chemese (@chemese) on