Serena Williams a pozat topless! Imaginile cu celebra sportiva, aproape nud, au facut incojurul planetei! FOTO

Autor: S.B. Editor: Silviu Bunea
Actualizat: 28 feb 2017, 02:25

Pirelli a renuntat, in acest an, la a fotografia top modele, pentru celebrul calendar al companiei.

In schimb, compania a decis sa fotografieze femei reale, celebre, care nu au un trup de revista, dar sunt adevarate modele de putere, determinare si comportament.

Printre celebritatile care au acceptat sa apara anul acesta in calendar se numara actrita Amy Schumer sau Serena Williams, vedeta americana a turneelor de tenis. Serena a pozat topless si si-a etalat musculatura puternica, perfect definita.

Fotografiile au fost realizate de Annie Leibovitz, un celebru fotograf de portrete.

Cei de la Pirelli au contactat-o cu cerinta de a imortaliza "femei distinse". In paginile calendarului mai apar, Yao Chen, primul ambasador chinez al bunavointei si Tavi Gevinson, un blogger faimos de moda.

1 DEC: American 21-time Grand Slam tennis champion, Serena Williams, poses for the 2016 edition of the Pirelli calendar. In the past it has been a prime outlet for the world's supermodels, but for 2016, the company has unveiled a calendar of "inspirational" women such as Serena Williams and Amy Schumer. American photographer Annie Leibovitz, who's behind the shoot, described it as a "departure" from recent years. The Pirelli calendar started in 1964 and is published yearly. It is famous for being exclusive, as it is only given as a gift to important Pirelli customers and celebrity VIPs. Leibovitz said that the tyre company suggested the idea of photographing distinguished women. "I wanted the pictures to show the women exactly as they are, with no pretence," she said. Other women to feature in 2016 include Yoko Ono, singer Patti Smith, American author Fran Lebowitz, Selma director Ava DuVernay, American philanthropist Agnes Gund, blockbuster producer Kathleen Kennedy, Natalia Vodianova, American businesswoman Mellody Hobson and Iranian visual artist Shirin Neshat. PHOTO: ANNIE LEIBOVITZ/PIRELLI #BBCSnapshot #Photography #AnnieLeibovitz #Leibovitz #SerenaWilliams #PirelliCalendar #Pirelli #StrongWomen #InspirationalWomen


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